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Body Contouring

Eliminate fat, shape areas of the body and tighten skin.

If you looking for a solution to remove stubborn pockets of unwanted fat from your body, non-surgical body contouring is an excellent way to remove fat that doesnt respond to diet and exercise. At Tangerine, we offer a variety of nonsurgical fat reduction procedures.  All of our body contouring procedures are noninvasive. Typically, you can resume daily activities immediately after any of our  treatments.

Ultrasonic Cavitation

A cosmetic procedure that’s used to reduce the fat cells in the body. 


Reduce circumference in the treated area

An overall contoured appearance

Improves skin texture

Better lymph and blood circulation

A non-invasive procedure

Quick and painless 

May help reduce topical cellulite 

Package pricing

How it works​


Ultrasonic cavitation works by using low-frequency sound waves to annoy and reduce the size of the fat cells beneath the skin’s surface.

The disrupted fat cells will then process through the digestive system naturally. Unlike surgical fat loss treatments, with Ultrasound Cavitation there’s no pain, scarring, bleeding, and no risk of infection or downtime needed for recovery.

During the procedure, we will apply a hand tool that transmits low-level ultrasonic waves to your skin. The compression-expansion impulses create micro-bubbles that enlarge, collide,  producing shock waves that “leak” the content of fat cells in a process called cavitation. The waste material is then processed through the liver and lymph system and is released from the body through sweat and urine elimination.


Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments are relatively quick, usually taking about 40 minutes. Results can last when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise. This can be used almost anywhere on the body. Thighs, calves, stomach, buttocks, abs, flanks,  bra line and upper arms.

How to prepare for your treatment

Follow a low fat diet for one day prior to your session. Avoid coffee before your session. (You may have coffee anytime afterwards.) Drink 20oz of water before your appointment.


After Care for the next 72 hours:


Maintain a low fat diet. Avoid sugar and dairy. (Low or non-fat dairy is okay.) Avoid all alcohol, acetaminophen and processed foods. Drink 2-3 liters of water each day. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink. Therefore water is a key component to eliminating the liquefied fat through the lymphatic and urinary systems.


It is also very important to get 30 minutes or more of physical activity. Preferably within 6 hours after your session to help aid the lymphatic system in eliminating the fat. Continue daily for the remainder of the 72 hours.


Conditions that would preclude you from having Ultrasonic  Cavitation include: Pregnant and or lactating women, an acute illness such as immune deficiencies, compromised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pace makers, diabetes or patients currently undergoing cancer care.

Laser Lipo

Using uses laser energy and vibration to reduce fat cells without surgery. 


Can be used virtually anywhere on the body

Less painful than traditional liposuction and no recovery time.

Lower risk of loose skin afterward.

Package pricing

Laser Lipo

How it works

Laser lipo is a non- invasive fat reduction procedure. Its use is for the reduction of fat that hasn’t responded well to diet and exercise methods. So if you’re dealing with stubborn fat that won’t go away despite your best efforts, laser lipo may work for you. 

We can use laser lipo to target the fat on your stomach, arms, thighs, or love handles. Using laser lipo, a specific body area is targeted with an extensive focus on fat accumulation. Each laser lipo machine is equipped with lasers meant for flattening out your fat cells.  The stored fat is then released into the body and flushed out of the lymphatic system, kidneys and liver.

Treatments can be completed within thirty minutes, and you can leave and get directly back to work with no downtime. Laser liposuction is safe and effective 

How to prepare for your session

Follow a low fat diet for one day prior to your session. Avoid coffee before your session. (You may have coffee anytime afterwards.) Drink 20oz of water before your appointment.


After Care for the next 72 hours:


Maintain a low fat diet. Avoid sugar and dairy. (Low or non-fat dairy is okay.) Avoid all alcohol, acetaminophen and processed foods. Drink 2-3 liters of water each day. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink. Therefore water is a key component to eliminating the liquefied fat through the lymphatic and urinary systems.


It is also very important to get 30 minutes or more of physical activity. Preferably within 8 hours after your session to help aid the lymphatic system in eliminating the fat. Continue daily for the remainder of the 72 hours.


Temporarily Unavailable..

How it works

Vanquish ME is the proven non-invasive body contouring procedure that targets problem areas on the body that are resistant to diet and exercise. Vanquish ME is an energy-based procedure that delivers controlled, comfortable, doses of therapeutic heat to the target zone, firming and smoothing problem areas over time. The Vanquish ME CORE targets the abdomen (flank to flank) and the Vanquish ME FLEX targets the inner and outer thighs.

The unique treatment method also allows patients with a BMI greater than 30 to be treated with the device. This body contouring treatment is more efficient than other body contouring devices that use similar energy to target fat cells because of the unique harness device. The treatment is also much safer and has less downtime than invasive surgical procedures like liposuction.

How to Prepare for your treatment:


The day before your treatment, start hydrating well. Drink 2 liters of water, the day prior, and at least 3 days after your treatment.  Staying well hydrated during your whole treatment process will allow the RF energy to travel easily through the skin and help eliminate the broken down fat cells out of your system faster. Avoid any dehydrating activities the day prior.  ( ex: strenuous workouts, hot yoga, saunas.)  Wear clothing with NO METAL. No zippers, metal buttons or underwires.  All jewelry on the hands and wrists/ watches must be removed. No Metal implants in the area of the treatment, including metal hip implants, or metal IUD implants.  No pacemakers or any kind,cochlear implants, or metal lead wires inside the body.


Vanquish Side Effects:


The most common are usually reported as a “hot spot”, that turns into a nodule lump that can be tender. This is a fat necrosis nodule formation, and it is a small lump where fat cells have died and rapidly accumulated. They typically go away within a week or two, as your body breaks it down and flushes it out though your lymph system. Treatments should be delayed until the lump is no longer tender, to avoid any further fat cells from accumulating on the nodule and making it bigger. On occasions, a heat blister may form.  Getting the vanquish treatment while on a menstrual cycle can increase to a heavy blood flow.


You are NOT a candidate if you have any of the following :


Pacemakers of any kind.

No internal metal lead wires 

Active Cancer /  Active Cancer treatment

Pregnant or Nursing

Auto immune diseases that involve any inflammatory aspects: lupus, MS, Scleroderma

Any internal metal in / close to the area being treated.  ( hip implant, metal IUD, internal staples. )

Any open wounds, infections.

No diabetic pumps, cochlear implant or any kind of defibrillation devises.

Vanquish Results


Laser Lipo

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